Our Team


Ben Penner

Regenerative Ag Specialist


Ben Penner joined Great River Greening officially as a staff member in 2023, after being a long-time partner of ours and trusted expert on matters of sustainable agriculture. As Great River Greening’s Regenerative Ag Specialist, Ben’s focus is largely on Continuous Living Cover (CLC) projects and silvopasture in southern Minnesota.

Ben has operated a Certified Organic Farm since 2010. His operation focuses on CLC crops such as Kernza®, winter camelina, and small grains such as wheat and rye. Regenerative agriculture will have an increasing role in moving agricultural trends toward our shared climate and environmental goals. Interested in learning more about how you can implement regenerative agricultural practices onto your land or in your organization? Ben is excited to share his experience about how to scale these techniques and processes—you can reach him at the contact info above!